안녕하세요 여러분~
오늘의 리뷰는 돼지 목살로 미슐랭 빕구르망을 받은 '꿉당'입니다.
Hi guys~
This review is about Korean style pan-fried pork neck restaurant. This restaurant's been recently awarded with Michelin's Bib Gourmand.
가게 앞에는 요렇게 간판이 되어 있어요.
Ggupdang put up a sign like this in front of the restaurant.
지금은 비어있는데 가게 앞에 웨이팅 하는 공간입니다. 저는 날씨가 추웠던 때에 다녀온거라서 몸을 녹일 수 있는 난로가 설치되어 있었어요. 운 좋게 사람들이 없어서 사진도 한 컷 찍어왔답니다 :)
Since so many people want to visit here, this restaurant arranged some space for people to wait in front of the restaurant. I visited this restaurant when the weather was cold, so there was a small heater like in the photo. Luckily there was no one waiting at that time, so I took a photo and went inside right away.
요건 메뉴판이에요. 가장 유명한 메뉴는 꼬꾸미 목살이라고 알려 주셔서 그걸로 시켜보았어요.
가격은 1인당 1만 7천원 이라서, 가격이 착하지는 않지만 서울 한복판 기준으로는 요즘 이정도 한다 느낌이 드는 가격대인 듯해요.
그리고 저는 삼겹살도 시켜봤어요. 다른 식당에서 먹어본 삼겹살이랑도 한번 비교해볼 생각으로요.
This is their menu. I think the waiter who served my table was the owner of this restaurant. But I'm not sure. Anyway, he told me that the most famous menu here is the first one - KOKUMI mok sal. So I ordered it.
The price for one serving was 17000 won. It's not so cheap, but considering the location of restaurant, I thought it is also not that expensive. As people say, inflation has already come!
I also ordered pork belly. I wanted to compare pork belly with other restaurnat's pork belly.
배고픕니다~ 기다리면서 테이블 세팅을 찍어보았어요.
I am so starving. I took photos while waiting for my food to be served.
고기와 곁들여서 먹을 수 있는 사이드가 여섯가지 나왔고 소스가 세 가지 나왔어요. 아, 소금까지 포함하면 소스만 네 가지였네요. 종류가 많아서 좋았답니다 :)
There are six side dishes that can be eaten with meat and there are three kinds of sauce. Oh, if you include salt, there are four sauces. It was nice to have a lot of variety.
드디어 고기 투척!! 두툼하네요~ 삼겹살입니다.
Finally my meat is served!! I liked that it was thick. This is pork belly.
사장님께서 잘라서 구워주셨어요. 배가 고픕니다~
The waiter grilled the meat. I didn't need to do anything. I just waited till it's done! So hungry....
거의 다 된 고기....
Almost done....
사장님께서 쌀밥도 유명하다고 해서 시켰어요! KOKUMI 쌀밥이라는데, 약간 양념이 되어 있어요.
간이 되어 있어서 그런지 밥만 씹어먹어도 오묘한 맛이 나고 맛있었어요.
The waiter told me that their KOKUMI rice bowl is also famous and it goes well with the meat, so I ordered it.
It's a little seasoned. Because it was seasoned, it had some taste even if I only chewed the rice.
쌀밥 클로즈업 샷!!
close-up shot for the rice!
드디어 고기를 먹어봅니다! 사장님이 쌀밥 위에 고기를 얹어서 같이 먹어보라고 추천해주셔서 따라해보았어요. 이건 목살이에요.
Finally my meat is served! The waiter recommended me that I should eat the meat with the rice together. So I followed his words. This is pork neck.
밥 약간 위에 고기를 얹고 그 위에 생강 초절임 약간을 얹어서 한 입에 쏙! 넣어보았습니다. 맛있었어요!
A little bit of rice, with the meat, and a little piece of pickled ginger together went into my mouth! So happy :) Yummy!
마무리로 된장찌개까지 시켜서 알차게 먹어줬답니다. 양이 좀 많아서 엄청 배터지게 먹었어요. 된장찌개도 맛있었답니다.
Lastly, I ate bean paste stew. My stomach was so full... It was so much.
개인적인 생각으로는 목살은 정말 맛있었고요. 삼겹살은 다른 식당이 더 맛있다고 느꼈네요.
Personally I think the pork belly was not the best. Other restaurants have better pork belly. However, their pork neck meat was really good. If anyone comes here, they should eat pork neck, not pork belly. (Actually, the waiter's advice was correct! He recommended pork neck.)
오늘 포스팅은 여기까지 입니다 :) 모두들 좋은 하루 되세요~
This is it for today :) Thank you for reading and have a nice day~
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